Tuesday, December 8, 2009

STG jeans Co. . . A substitute of Levi's ? !!

StoneAge !! .. a name every youngster of our community would be aware of is said to be a sustitute for Levi's or you can say it was developed keeping in mind that we here in Pakistan want to have brands to compete the brands of the international scene such as Levi's and maybe get successful.

But it it just a perception because clothes for Stoneage come from the same factory as they do for Levi's ? .. or the products actually are comparable.. An answer to that would be very simple and that would be yes Stoneage for sure is a substitute for Levi's since it in my opinion has got all the best things in the best ever quality.

We, the people of Pakistan just have this perception and a very sick perception i must say that whatever international would open up it would be worth trusting blindly on. Now that is something totally wrong. We when today are opening up stores like Stoneage up here, why should one go and buy Levis? .. Atleast, as far as i am concerned i never would go for Levi's as long as we have Stoneage. Try it and you wont regret and yes the word is mine.

Buy Pakistani, Build pakistani brand value and help Pakistani economy grow instead of just going after international brands since now we dont need them. Not anymore atleast. Proud we should be of Pakistan and i request you all to go for our brands since our textile and fashion industry now literally is maybe better or comparable to the international scene.



  1. fashion in pak is a very informative blog for all the users who want to get the information about pakistan fashion industry.stoneage is new brand in pakistan which meets international standards .the info present in this blog regarding the stoneage brand and other pakistan designers is valid and usefull for the brand conciouse people .this blog provides a profile of all the top designers .as for my interest this blog is very funk and i like it because i find it very interesting.

    sana ghafoor sec f
